Thursday, February 5, 2009

Attribute mapping - a newbie description

I read several blogs about "attribute mapping" (see credits below). The problem is that neither gave me (as being "new" to mappings) a good understanding of what was happening. I'll try and explain a little more. This was the info I needed:

When you promote an Opportunity Product to a Quote Line Item specific field values are mapped over. But what about custom Opportunity Product fields you might have created? They don't map out of the box. You need to do something - that falls under the 1:N relationship mappings.

Account to Opportunity is one that works out of the box. If you create a custom field on Account (call it "Platform") and on every Opportunity you create from that Account you want the value of "Platform" to be populated (default) with the "Platform" field of Opportunity. You need to go to the 1:N relationship on the Account entity. The one you use has the Primary entity of Account and the Related entity of Opportunity (In this case the name is "opportunity_primary_accounts"). Then you select the Mappings link along the left nav bar. Here you can add all the custom field mappings you want.

Okay, that's long, but all well and good. Back to my Opportunity-Product to Quote Line Item mapping. On the Opportunity Product entity 1:N relationships, there IS NO MAPPINGS link. But that's what I need...well, someone smarter than I figured out how to "find it". That's what the blogs below explain.

You'll need the GUID for the relationship and once you get your URL sorted out you'll get the mappings that you didn't have.

URL: http://yourservernamehere/Tools/SystemCustomization/Relationships/Mappings/mappingList.aspx?mappingId=

Sorry if this is long winded, but I read at least 2 blogs that had this solution and I couldn't understand that it was my solution (till I tried it).

Solution blogs I used should get credit. Both blog solutions I found give the explanation of the problem and similar (or the same) solutions:

1 comment:

Jamie Miley said...

Thanks for crediting me. Now here is how to do this same thing in 2011 on-premise, online and in 4.0 online.